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Unchecked scalars input

GraphQL does not support input unions, hence it's not possible to support both normal inputs and unchecked scalars input at the same time like the Prisma does.

If you prefer simplicity over more sophisticated solutions like connectOrCreate, you can to provide the useUncheckedScalarInputs generator option:

generator typegraphql {
provider = "typegraphql-prisma"
output = "../prisma/generated/type-graphql"
useUncheckedScalarInputs = true

This way there will be generate input classes with relation id fields, instead of the normal "nested" inputs for creating/updating relations, e.g.:

export class PostUncheckedCreateInput {
@TypeGraphQL.Field(_type => String, {
nullable: false,
title!: string;

@TypeGraphQL.Field(_type => TypeGraphQL.Int, {
nullable: false,
authorId!: number;

@TypeGraphQL.Field(_type => TypeGraphQL.Int, {
nullable: true,
editorId?: number | undefined;