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Overriding plural form of model name

In some cases, the noun used as the model name might not have a proper plural form. For example, the word "fish" is not pluralized to "fishes". In such cases, you can override the plural form by adding a plural argument to the @@TypeGraphQL.type comment attribute, e.g.:

/// @@TypeGraphQL.type(plural: "StaffMembers")
model Staff {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
name String @unique

This way, the generated resolvers for Staff model will use the plural form of StaffMembers, so that it won't generate anymore actions named findManyStaff or findUniqueStaff as it would do by default, e.g.:

@TypeGraphQL.Resolver(_of => Staff)
export class StaffCrudResolver {
@TypeGraphQL.Query(_returns => [Staff], {
nullable: false,
async staffMembers(
@TypeGraphQL.Ctx() ctx: any,
@TypeGraphQL.Info() info: GraphQLResolveInfo,
@TypeGraphQL.Args() args: FindManyStaffArgs,
): Promise<Staff[]> {
const { _count } = transformFields(graphqlFields(info as any));
return getPrismaFromContext(ctx).staff.findMany({
...(_count && transformCountFieldIntoSelectRelationsCount(_count)),

@TypeGraphQL.Query(_returns => Staff, {
nullable: true,
async staff(
@TypeGraphQL.Ctx() ctx: any,
@TypeGraphQL.Info() info: GraphQLResolveInfo,
@TypeGraphQL.Args() args: FindUniqueStaffArgs,
): Promise<Staff | null> {
const { _count } = transformFields(graphqlFields(info as any));
return getPrismaFromContext(ctx).staff.findUnique({
...(_count && transformCountFieldIntoSelectRelationsCount(_count)),